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Stafford Academy for Technology (STAT) is a state-approved Governor’s STEM Academy.  STAT is a four-year program of study utilizing integrated hands-on, project-based instruction focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) career areas. (STEM includes medical fields). The STAT instructional team includes teachers from sciences,  technology, English, and mathematics.  STAT is open to rising ninth graders on an application basis. Students accepted for the 2023-2024 school year will be permanently enrolled at the high school where the STAT Academy program is housed: Biomedical Science (located at NSHS), Engineering (located at NSHS), or Information Technology (located at BPHS). 

STAT offers students the advantage of learning in a "cohort" of like-minded students throughout the four-year program. Course content is integrated when possible to create a coherent learning experience.  Students will undertake service-learning projects and partner with mentors in the business community to build a stronger sense of purpose and a firmer commitment to success in college education, while learning about the demands of the workplace. Students will undertake a senior research project.

While STAT serves as an excellent preparation for students who look to careers in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics field, it will also help any student develop skills essential in the 21st century workplace:

  • think creatively and implement innovation
  • use systems thinking and solve problems
  • communicate clearly and collaborate
  • locate, evaluate and manage information
  • adapt to change
  • work independently
  • gain expertise through self-directed learning
  • value diversity
  • show accountability
  • lead and respect others

STAT is designed to help students fulfill their potential in the complex life and work environments of the future.

Frequently Asked Questions